

Monday, July 26, 2010

she's leaving

So I absolutely do not feel like writing anything today because my sister who has been here for 2 weeks is leaving tomorrow and going back to Rhode Island. Ava on the other hand is excited to get her room back (that by the way she never sleeps in!)
This will be the start of preparation's for her starting kindergarten! I'm scared and still unsure as to how this will all work with her blood sugar's being check and being bolused at school? Who will do it? How will they know when to? Will they know when she is low? Will they watch her close enough? There are only 1000 question's I need answered but I'm going on faith and hope! Or sheer stupidity! Not sure which but either way I will be there every step of the way to make sure she gets the care she needs! Friday I leave for the weekend and Ava will be home with daddy! These weekends always give me anxiety and yet I know I need them and she does too! I feel like there are so many things going on right now that I need to get my self involved with! To help, to make some kind of difference and yet there is a strange blockage that always seems to creep in! FEAR!
Of what? Yeah I'm not quit sure either! I'm off to spend these last few hours with my sister's.

1 comment:

  1. Hi sis, I love your blog writings they have inspired me and I can't wait to read more. Love you and are so proud of you!
