

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I finished up work today and headed to the store to make goody bags! I wanted to see Michael and take him all the cards everyone had sent in! I also wanted to visit another friends baby who happened to have surgery and was still at Choc. But then I got another text that yet another friend was in there with her little girl who had an accident and needed surgery! So of I went to make sure they all had a little surprise! Ava helped me pick things out and we stuffed the bags and grabbed them and we were off!

I texted Michael's dad to make sure he was up for visitor's he said he was tired but to please come. Then he thanked me for having my friend Gary come by...? Umm I thought who the heck is Gary and is there some random dude going to see my nephew? As quickly as I had that thought I immediately knew who it was! There are always people you can count on to fill in the gaps in your life and this has been one of those people in
mine. Gary is a dear friend of my parents and seems to always know when the Rapoport clan needs him. He is there for weddings, for helping with baby showers and of course always comes to sit with mom or dad if someone is sick in the hospital! But why hadn't he called and told me? How did he get the room number? Didn't he feel weird about walking in a room where he had never met the kid or his parent's? Nope! and this my friends is why I love Gary! He saw a need and figured it out! Rarely when you are in a hospital and someone comes to see your child will you ever turn them away, but most of us don't have the strength to just ACT!

So a big giant thank you to you Gary! I love you for being you, I love you for helping our family whenever we need it! I love you for being the kind of man you are!

Ava and I got to Choc and saw Michael, it was a bit of a family reunion of sorts. He looked a little less swollen and seem to feel a little better. We opened each card and I was privileged enough to get to read everyone to him! They made me cry! m
Mostly because they were from so many of you that I didn't even know had sent him one! People sent gift cards, I-tunes and so on!! It was a sweet sweet time with him. However I am not the one that got the smiles from him, that was reserved for Miss Ava! Ava seemed cautious but would come back and fourth near his bed and would smile or pop her head out from behind me! I swear Michael would immediately brighten up! I guess I know who to bring from now on!
As I was reading cards to him a nurse came in and I realized very quickly it was one of Morgan's nurses from 6 years ago when we spent a week on that Oncology floor! My eyes welled up and I said " you were my daughter's nurse a long time ago" She said I remember you! And regardless if she did or didn't it was so unbelievable to see this women still there day after day taking care of these kids!
Next I went to the 4th floor where I saw Dorinda, a little girl that had broken her arm. She was sound asleep the way only little children sleep or adults taking Ambian ;) She was getting read y to go home with her pretty blue cast and all her stuffed animals.

And last but not least was Olivia, now I gotta say someone might need to take out an Amber alert on me because I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS BABY! OK so I'm a little nuts over this one because she was born on my birthday and I felt connected to her from then on! She was having a heart valve fixed. When she was born they told mama and daddy it didn't look good for her! Well I am sorry but they don't know how many people have prayed for this beauty! She is now doing so well after her valve replacement that she will go home tomorrow!
So many times I have to go there with the kids for different appointments and every time I feel sick looking at how big the hospital is and how filled it is! I often just put my hand on the wall and pray! Pray to God that know one has to walk out those door's without their kid! But I know they do, and that is haunting to me. Today however I went on almost every floor and I touched each one of those kids and prayed over them a very quick prayer that the Lord would heal there body's and be with them always! I left there on a high I assume you can only get from illegal drug use. This is what I'm suppose to do! It's to go to these kids and pray for there body's, for there family's, and to find healing for myself through it all.
I'm headed off to my girls weekend and I'm so excited to just laugh , giggle, dance and hopefully not wet my pants!

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